
All about the human behind the digital screen (aka everything google already knows about me)

Cue the introvert's panic when told, "Describe yourself..."

Hi, I'm Claudia, the creator of Inkflasks

I make illustrations and designs, sometimes with a scientific flair. Coming from an academic background, I understand the limitations we sometimes face when communicating our ideas. Whether it be deadlines, rules, or stubborn traditions. I create digital templates for others to use.

1) I am a Swiftie

I listen to an obscene amount of Taylor Swift. Or at least that is what my Spotify data tells me.

2) I am a tea lover

Oolong, Green, Herbal, Etc. - I will happily take any warm or iced beverage.

3) I am a wizard

While I can't make enchanted potions, I am a self-proclaimed PowerPoint wizard.

Welcome Aboard!

*Admissions excludes jerks, snakes, and overall not-so-kind people

This project is a bit like life - an unpredictable jumble of things. I work hard, but try not to take myself too seriously. Come join me on my marching mayhem train.